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On behalf of Dr Abdulmumini Usman, the WHO Representative to South Sudan, Mr Evans Liyosi reads the address of the WHO Regional Director for Africa, Dr Matshidiso Moeti

South Sudan commemorates World Health Day 2017


WHO trains health workers on new Family Planning guidelines

Tshirt used as promotional material for WTBD 2017

The Gambia Commemorates World Tuberculosis Day 2017

Ministry of Health and Partners during the costing exercise

WHO and partners develop a Costed National Action Plan for Health Security

Dr Zainul Khan presenting preliminary findings by OBRA in Kaduna WHO/C. Warigon

External Assessment Team Applauds Response To Polio Outbreak in Nigeria.

World TB Day: Swazis Unite to end TB and HIV

World TB Day: Swazis Unite to end TB and HIV

Beyond Bentiu health service delivery, Kaljak, former Unity State

WHO supports new initiative to more easily allow people living in South Sudan’s rural communities to access health services

Mobile Hard-to-Reach team providing integrated basic primary healthcare services in a Borno community. M Shafiq/WHO

Japan Supports WHO’s Emergency Programme in Northeast Nigeria