Featured news

WHO joins partners at South Sudan’s National Health Summit to build a resilient health system and attain greater access to health services

Stakeholders reviewing draft mental health legislation

Stakeholders in The Gambia Review Draft Mental Health Legislation

The Minister of Health, Dr Diane Gashumba vaccinating a pupil on HPV

Thousands of Rwandans get lifesaving health interventions through the Health week

An eligible child receiving oral polio vaccine in Maiduguri, Borno state

House-to-House, Street-by-Street, 14 000 Volunteers Target 1.9 million Children with OPV in Borno

The Gambia Introduces New Three-Year Tobacco Taxation Policy

WHO Representative to Ethiopia, Dr Akpaka A. Kalu delivering a key note address at the 12th National TB Research Annual Conference (TRAC)

Ethiopia Commemorates World TB Day 2017

	Dr Muhammed Kombo, Lamu county, appreciates the detail in the ambulance donated by WHO

WHO Kenya donates 15 Ambulances to counties

Rwanda Biomedical Centre Director General, Dr. Jeanine Condo congratulating a former TB patient after testimony

Rwanda employs stringent measures to significantly decline TB incidences