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Assessing Umars nutrition status

Severely Malnourished Children in Borno State Benefit From WHO-Supported Stabilization Centre

Ministry of Health, WHO Country Office staff and the Tobacco control experts from WHO AFRO following a meeting with the Permanent Secretary and seniour officials at Ministry of Agriculture

WHO/AFRO supports advocacy and orientation meetings on implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in Zambia

A mental health worker displaying a copy of the Mental Health Policy and Strategic Plan

Liberia Launches 5 Year Mental Health Policy and Strategic Plan

Ministry of Health,Tanzania delegate visiting a protected borehole constructed within a community facing drought as a result of climate change in Ethiopia

Strengthening adaptation and resilience to climate change in Tanzania

A vaccinator administring polio drops to a child on its mothers back

Liberia Achieves 95% Coverage During Polio Campaigns

WHO/Gborie S.

Building the skills of health workers to save women's lives

One of the numerous female vaccinators in Kaduna state WHO/Ibrahim Al-Asi

Vaccination campaigns changing lives of Nigerian women