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Malawi aims to improve quality of care for mothers and new babies

Malawi commits to halve maternal and neonatal deaths over next five years as the country hosts a global conference on improving quality of care for maternal, new-born and child health

WHO delivering cholera kits to Agorbar PHCC run by Sudan Medical Care, Bor.

Amidst insecurity, WHO in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and partners intensifies the health response to the cholera outbreak in South Sudan

Mr Louise Mokiri Avito during the meningitis outbreak response in 2008 in one of the villages in Torit County

WHO health worker killed in an attack in Torit County, former Eastern Equatoria State, South Sudan

Clinicians carry out practical sessions on the WHO Clinical Staging of HIV-AIDS

WHO in partnership with the Ministry of Health scaling up antiretroviral treatment (ART) in the Greater Upper Nile Region, South Sudan

Dr Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Regional Director for Africa delivering her statement at the 18th General Assembly of OAFLA

WHO Regional Director for Africa commends the work of OAFLA


WHO welcomes and orientates 16 members of the Stop Transmission of Polio (STOP) 49 to South Sudan