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Unveiling by First Lady Roman Tesfaye and Minister of Health Dr Kesetebirhan Admasu

Ethiopia Inaugurates New Cancer Center on World Cancer Day

Guinea: Two (2) confirmed Ebola cases in Koropara village in Nzérékoré

OAFLA leadership pose with immunization partners to mark commitment to the unfinished business

WHO Reaffirms Commitment to Strengthening Routine Immunization towards Completing the Unfinished Business of Child Health in Africa

Dr Abdulmumini delivers his remarks at the retreat

WHO South Sudan holds its first ever staff retreat

WHO Representative Delivers United Nations Statement of Support for National Health Insurance to the Honorable Minister of Health

WHO Supports Road Safety Legislation Workshop for Regional Police Traffic Officers

Honourable Minister of Health (right) and His Excellency, Governor of Sokoto State

Minister of Health urges National Council on Health to strengthen health systems for achieving Universal Health Coverage in Nigeria.

01 Governor Tambuwal welcoming Dr Vaz to Sokoto Government House while the Deputy Governor looks on

WHO intensifies partnership with Sokoto State and Sultanate Council to sustain polio interruption gains and rapidly reduce maternal mortality