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A cross section of families affected by the 2015 flooding in Freetown

Sierra Leone health sector better prepared against seasonal flooding


Global Laboratory Initiative to build capacity in Africa

Mr. Billy Mweetwa, Essential Drugs and Medicines Advisor at the WHO Country Office, making a presentation at the conference

Third Annual Pharmacy Research Conference held in Zambia

WHO and Ministry of Health expand cholera response to minimize future risk

Hon Minister Makgato administering Albendazole suspension

Botswana successfully launches the measles rubella campaign

Dr. Humphrey Karamai, WLO ai addressing the participants

Speech of the WHO Liaison Officer Dr. Humphrey Karamagi during the opening of the Person-Centred Care Symposium

Closing Statement by the Principal Secretary of the Ministry of Health, Dr Bernard Valentin, at the end of the 2-day Seminar

Minister of Health Mitcy Larue making her opening address

Opening remark, Minister of Health Mitcy Larue at the Person-Centred Care Symposium