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Nigeria: WHO Field volunteers assisting during meningitis vaccination

Meningitis A nearly eliminated in Africa through vaccination, reaching more than 235 million people

The Honourable Minister signing the hand-over documents while the WR watched

WHO Hands-over AfDP ebola virus equipment to Federal Ministry of Health


Relief for families impacted by Ebola flare-up

International Comparison of SA Private Hospital Price Levels: WHO and OECD present to Competition Commission

Dr Usman, WHO Representative to South Sudan, addressing participants during the consultative meeting.

WHO and the Ministry of Health conducted a consultative meeting to strengthen community health systems and the 2016/2017 work plan

Clinical microbiologists processing samples of suspected meningitis cases

WHO deploys laboratory experts to establish the sero-type of bacterial meningitis causing the outbreak in Ghana

The Honourable Minister with WHO Health Systems Advisor Khosie Mthethwa on arrival at Gimbichu Woreda area.

Swaziland Ministry of Health learns best practices from Ethiopia