Featured news

CDC/J. Gathany

Dr Moeti urges vigilance amid spread of Zika virus

A team from WHO meet with senior staff of Jirapa hospital in Upper West Region during a mission to assess the status of meningitis preparedness and response activities

WHO supports the Ministry of Health Ghana in response to meningitis outbreak

Cross section of contacts and communities celebrating the discharge of the 33 contacts

Statement by WHO Sierra Leone to the media on the discharge of contacts from monitoring and follow up delivered by the WHO Representative, Dr Anders Nordström.

A South Sudanese boy examins a cloth filter The Carter Center

Former President Jimmy Carter to address British parliament on dracunculiasis eradication

The Minster of Health, the Governor of the States, the WHO Representative, the Head of Cooperation in the Embassy of Canada and the Undersecretary breaking the ground in Awiel

WHO with funding from the Government of Canada to build maternity complexes in Torit, Kuajok and Awiel


National Electronic Health Management Information System Stakeholders meeting held in Entebbe

JAP members sensitizing traders in Bauchi Central Market, Bauchi State

Journalists join fight against Lassa fever in security compromised North eastern Nigeria