Featured news

Representative of the Minister of Health (middle) in a group photograph during the stakeholders’ meeting on CCS - 30th January 2014

Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS II) Review “At a Glance”


WHO to strategically support Uganda’s cancer and heart institutes

Dr Keifala Mara , Minister of Finance

Sierra Leone launches 2013 Demographic and Health Survey preliminary report

WHO FCTC poster

Ethiopia Ratifies WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

Dr Mufunda delivering statement on behalf of UN

Ministry of Health disseminates Standards for Adolescent Health Services


Uganda rolls out the Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV)

Official Opening of Nkombo Community Health Workers’ Business Building by Deputy DG RBC and Mayor of Rusizi District

Launching of hygiene national campaign and global hand washing day in Rwanda 2014