Featured news

The WHO Representative, Dr. Rufaro Chatora and the Minister for Health and Social Welfare, Hon.Dr Hussein Ali Mwinyi signing certificates of transfer

The World Health Organization hands over 21 Vehicles to the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and PMORALG to strengthen referral and supervision services


Zimbabwe reaffirms commitment to getting to zero on World AIDS Day


WHO-Uganda Staff Complete Global Learning Programme Training on National Health Policies, Strategies and Plans

Daily Bulletin on Meningitis « A » Vaccination Campaign 28 November to 04 December 2013 - Day 3

Prof Munty Jones Representing HE the President

Sierra Leone Commemorates World AIDS Day 2013

Young Gambian child waiting to be immunized with MenAfriVac

Daily Bulletin on Meningitis « A » Vaccination Campaign 28 November to 04 December 2013 - Day 2

Clarification on reference to WHO remarks on HIV incidence among young women in South Africa