Featured news

01 The Minister administering first dose of the vaccine

Sub-National Polio Immunization Days Commences in Sierra Leone

The Minster of Health, Dr Michael Milly Hussein addressing participants during the human resources for health review.

Human resources for health policy and strategy validation meeting

01 March Past of Nurses, students and Voluntary organizations

Gambia observes World Malaria Day and hosts sub-regional laboratory training workshop

Dr K. Daoh, CMO, making opening remarks

MoHS held Stakeholders Meeting to Validate Draft HRH Policy and Strategic Plan

Dr K. Daoh, CMO, making opening remarks

MoHS holds Stakeholders Meeting to Validate Draft HRH Policy and Strategic Plan

WCO Ghana Health News May 8, 2012

Dr Alemu, WHO Representative addressing the meeting

MoHS & WHO Hold Monthly Technical Consultation on Priority Health Issues

Group photo of the meeting participants

Ministry of Health Held Consultative Meeting on National Human Resource Policy and Strategic Plan