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The Vice President holding the report launched during WMD 2012. Hon Minister at extreme left and WR at extreme right

Commemoration of the World Malaria Day in Dar-Es-Salaam at the Karimjee Ground 25th April 2012

Dr Chan met His Excellency, President of the Republic of Namibia, Dr Hifikepunye Pohamba. The President thanked Dr Chan for WHO’s support to Namibia

WHO Director General Dr Margaret Chan makes first visit to Namibia

Dr. Donald Mmbando, Ag. Chief Medical Officer delivering Hon. Minister’s speech during launching of the Immunization week on 23rd April 2012

World Immunization Week launched on 23rd april 2012 in Tanzania with a call to ensure children are vaccinated: Chanjo ni haki ya kila mtoto

WHO calls for “final push” towards accelerated malaria control and eventual elimination in Africa

WHO calls for “final push” towards accelerated malaria control and eventual elimination in Africa

New plan to control and eliminate measles and rubella

Dr Sambo urges ECOWAS countries to accelerate efforts in addressing epidemics and pandemic prone diseases