Featured news

 Dr Rex Mpazanje speaking on behalf of WHO Representative Dr Custodia Mandlhate

Kenya launches US$9million Integrated Measles Vaccination Campaign targeting 6 million children


WHO’s Deputy Regional Director commends Tobacco and HIV/AIDS Centres


Working together to beat cholera

01 Deputy Minister of Health, Dr. Nthabiseng Makoae presenting her remarks during the celebration

The Commemoration of World Rabies Day 2012

Regional consultation on Regional Agenda for Accelerating Universal Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health convened in Addis Ababa

The Deputy Minister for Health and Social Welfare, Hon. Seif Rashid MP delivering his opening speech at the Third East Africa Conference on alcohol

Third East Africa Conference on Alcohol calling for ACTION NOW! in Arusha, 24-25th September, 2012

Participants attending the Regional Training Workshop on Data Collection on Injuries and Violence, Soweto, South Africa, 14-16 August 2012

Six Countries Complete Injuries and Violence Data Collection Training