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A mass campaign to vaccinate nearly 3 million people against meningitis “A” starts today in Ghana


Government Commissions the National Vaccine Cold Chain Store for the Expanded Programme on Immunisation

01 Participants pose for a group photo during the NCD regional meeting in Nairobi

“UNITING AGAINST NCDs” - Regional Workshop to address Non-Communicable Diseases kicks off in Nairobi

New immunization approach in Ethiopia reaches more children

Workshop on how to track & support data collection n domestic expenditures on maternal, newborn & child health in the African Region kicks off

L-R Dr Alemu WHO, Dr Jambai, Dr Daoh and Dr Dafae MoHS

Ministry of Health Concludes Cholera Case management Training of Trainers Workshop

Hon. V P Chief Sam Sumana giving the key-note address.

Sierra Leone Adopts Scaling Up Nutrition Initiative