
Social Anthropologist Julienne Anoko visits communities yo encourage safe and dignified burial. Infection of the Ebola virus can occur from touching the bodies of those who have died from Ebola virus disease (EVD).
Interview with Dr Moeti in Bikoro, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 13 May 2018
The Western Area of Sierra Leone is the “hotspot” in this Ebola outbreak at the moment, with the highest transmission of any of the 3 most affected countries. The Government of Sierra Leone, WHO and partners, are sending in a massive surge of staff and resources to this area to intensify efforts…
For seven decades the World Health Organization has been working with partners to improve global public health. This video presents key statistics highlighting the huge progress that has been made and the challenges that lie ahead to keep the world safe, improve health and serve the vulnerable.
World Antibiotic Awareness Week aims to increase awareness of global antibiotic resistance and to encourage best practices among the general public, health workers and policy makers to avoid the further emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance.
Ever since the closure of the university due to the Ebola outbreak, Robbin George, criminology student at the University of Liberia, has been trying to help stop the spread of the Ebola virus in his country. He joined the team of active case finders to go from house to house to find out if sick…