
“When the outbreak first started in March and we heard about this deadly virus Ebola, I was in Kakata,” says Austin S. Jallah, a student nurse of Kakata University, in Margibi County, Liberia and working as a WHO expert patient trainer.
Some African countries are not on track to achieve MDG5, i.e. reduce maternal mortality by 75% by 2015. In a report, just published by the WHO Regional Office for Africa, governments are urged to rethink their policy on women's health.
At some point in their lives, everyone needs health care....but today not everyone has access to the care that they need. Universal health coverage ensures that all people get the health services they need without suffering financial hardship. The goal of moving towards universal health coverage…
The Essential Medicines help to save lives and improve health by closing the huge gap between the potential that essential medicines have to offer and the reality that for millions of people- particularly the poor and disadvantaged- essential medicines are often unavailable, unaffordable, unsafe or…
In October 2017, less than 2 years of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, about 30 outbreaks occurred in the WHO African Region. A dozen recorded humanitarian crises and 40 events were considered risks to public health that could harm the health of human populations. Drawing lessons from the Ebola…
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Social Anthropologist Julienne Anoko visits communities yo encourage safe and dignified burial. Infection of the Ebola virus can occur from touching the bodies of those who have died from Ebola virus disease (EVD).
An interview with Dr Philippe Douste-Blazy, Chairman of the UNITAID Executive Board at the WHO Regional Office for Africa Download the video [English - wmv 9MB] [French - wmv 9MB]