Media Centre

Improving public health laboratory services in South Sudan’s Jonglei State
Investing in #HealthForAll
An interview with Dr Pierre Kariyo on patient safety
Soudan du Sud : Garantir des services de santé primaires aux personnes déplacées
South Sudan: Ensuring primary health services for displaced people
Strengthening disease surveillance and response to safeguard the future of South Sudan
Symptoms, transmission and prevention of #mpox
WHOAFRO Training module: how to effectively collect wastewater samples for poliovirus isolation
L’OMS appuie la réponse sanitaire à la crise des réfugiés et retournés au Soudan du Sud
WHO supports health response for refugees and returnees in South Sudan
Améliorer l'accès à l'oxygène médical au Libéria
Liberia scales up access to life-saving medical oxygen