Media Centre

Kenya's rapid response to flooding saves lives and brings relief
RDC : en finir avec la tuberculose grâce au dépistage précoce
DRC: Ending to Tuberculosis through Early Detection
Message from the World Health Organization Liberia Representative on the polio vaccination campaign
African region’s first-ever health workforce investment charter launched
Soudan du Sud : des services de santé pour sauver les communautés touchées par la crise
USAID, WHO & partners provide life-saving health services crisis-affected communities in South Sudan
WHO AFRO has worked with governments & partners on the African health workforce investment charter
La campagne de vaccination a renforcé la riposte de la Zambie au choléra
Zambia conducts vaccination campaign as part of multisectoral cholera outbreak response
One-stop shop boosts the fight against TB/HIV co-infection in Niger
Chaque être humain a droit à la santé