Laboratories and Health Technology

Laboratories and Health Technology


    The Laboratories and Health Technology area supports Member states in attaining improved health and reduced morbidity and mortality through the safety, availability and appropriate use of essential health technologies within health systems

    Challenges facing the introduction of the WHO surgical safety checklist

    Challenges facing the introduction of the WHO surgical safety checklist: A short experience in African countries
    Challenges facing the introduction of the WHO surgical safety checklist: A short experience in African countries (350.61 kB)

    Strengthening public health laboratories in the WHO African Region

    Strengthening public health laboratories in the WHO African Region: A critical need for disease control

    Despite the progress and efforts being made to strengthen laboratory capacities in the Region, challenges remain. The purpose of this document is to raise awareness on the need to strengthen public health laboratory services and propose actions for building national laboratory capacity.

    Strengthening public health laboratories in the WHO African Region: A critical need for disease control (1.3 MB)

    Status of Blood Safety in the WHO African Region 2010 (892.44 kB)

    Featured news

    Tema: “Alcançando a Cobertura Universal de Saúde e Segurança Sanitária: A África que Queremos Ver.”
    O Fórum Africano de Saúde da OMS vai definir os próximos passos nos cuidados de saúde universais no continente


    Ministerial side event on the use of Artificial Intelligence for Health -