Ethiopia News

WHO Ethiopia Newsletter - Volume 1; Issue 11: 14 January 2013

Inside this issue:

Polio Campaign activities launched in 2012
Cross - Border Collaboration for Polio Eradication Activities
Rotarians praised during the debriefing of Cross border Synchronized SIAs
Ethiopia Observed World AIDS Day
Annual Review Meeting ended with recommendations to scale up Blood Transfusion Services
Training, Communication and Advocacy Workshops conducted on NTDs to boost Promotion, Prevention and Control

Ethiopia Observes the 22nd World AIDS Day

Axum, 01 December 2010 -- The 22nd World AIDS Day was marked in the historical town of Axumof the Tigray State at a ceremony presided over by the president of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia HE president Girma Woldegiorgis.

The occasion was graced by the presence of the president of the Tigray regional state, senior government officials both at federal and regional levels, bilateral and multilateral development partners as well as representatives of civil service organisations, religious leaders and NGOs including people living with HIV/AIDS. 

Ethiopia Holds Consultative Meeting on the WHO Global Health Sector Strategy for HIV...

27 August 2010, Addis Ababa -- The WHO Ethiopia Country Office in collaboration with the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) convened a half day consultative meeting to deliberate on the WHO Global Health Sector Strategy for HIV/AIDS: 2011 – 2015.

The meeting brought together a wide section of stakeholders from FMOH, UN Agencies, NGOs, PLWHA Associations, bilateral and multi lateral agencies among others. 

Launching of the First African Road Safety Day

The First African Road Safety Day will be launched on 18 November 2012, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Pursuant to the African Union Assembly decisions to remember the third Sunday of each November as an African Road Safety Day which is also the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, will be jointly celebrated with the African Union Commission, United Nations Economic Commission, WHO, Government of Ethiopia and other key road safety stakeholders.

Predicting, Preventing and Managing Public Health Effects of Climate Variability and...

Addis Ababa, 05 March 2013 -- The meeting on preparation for an International Consortium for Early Warning and Early Response Systems in the area of Public Health in Africa, that is organized by WHO, kicked off at Intercontinental Addis Hotel, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The meeting which aims to strengthen the resilience of African countries to climate change in the area of public health brings together participants from more than 20 countries in the world and institutions.

Rotary International donates financial support for Polio Eradication activities

14 December 2012, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia -- In a handover ceremony hosted at WHO Ethiopia Country Office, Mr. Nahu-Senaye Araya, Chairman, Rotary International National Polio plus Committee (NPPC), Polio plus Program handed over a check of ETB 3.5 million to Dr Khaled Bessaoud, Acting WHO Country Representative and Ms. Patrizia DiGiovani, Deputy UNICEF Country Representative to support Polio Eradication activities in Ethiopia.

Highlights of Day One - Experts Meeting of the 6th Conference of AU Ministers of Hea...

African Union, Addis Ababa, 22 April 2013: The experts meeting in preparation for the 6th Session of the African Union (AU) Conference of Ministers of Health (CAMH 6), kicks off today, and will run up to 26 Apr 2013 in Addis Ababa. The theme for the conference focuses on “The impact of Non –Communicable diseases (NCDs) and Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) on development in Africa”.