Ethiopia News

WHO Ethiopia intensifies its technical support to Tigray Region

Mekelle Town, 07 June 2013 -- Dr Pierre M’pele Kilebou, WHO Representative to Ethiopia and his delegation (Dr Sofonias Getachew, National Program Officer (NPO) for Managerial Process for National health; Mr. Abraham Gebregiorgis, Senior Policy Advisor; Mr. Waltaji Terfa, NPO for Public Health and Environment; Dr Andrea Bruni, Mental Health Officer, Dr Abidara Desaley, NPO Surveillance; Dr Belay Tesfahunegn, NPO HIV/AIDS and Wassihun Melaku, NPO Health Promotion ) met H.E.

Ethiopia launches National Master Plan on Neglected Tropical Diseases

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, June 12-14, 2013 -- His Excellency Dr Keseteberhan Admassu, Minister of Health of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, launched the National Master Plan of Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) in a high level symposium held at Hilton International Hotel on 12 June 2013. More than 400 participants representing federal government offices, regional health bureaus, and partners attended the meeting. Among the partners, WHO, USAID, DFID, World Bank, Bill & Melinda GATES Foundation, international NGOs and research inistutes and acadamia have been reperesented.

High Level Advocacy Mission to Gambella Region calls for stronger commitment towards...

Gambella, 16-17 June 2013 -- A high level delegation led by H.E. Dr Kesetebirhan Admassu, Minister of the Federal Ministry of Health with the participation of WHO ( Dr Lorenzo Savioli, Director Department Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases Headquarters, Dr Gautam Biswas - WHO Headquarters , Dr Alhousseini Maiga - WHO Regional Office for Africa, Dr Abebayehu Assefa - WHO Country Office), Dr Julie Jacobson - Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Dr Zerihun Tadesse - Carter Center, met H.E. Mr.

Ethiopia Celebrates the Second African Vaccination Week

Addis Ababa, 30 April 2012 -- Ethiopia joined the rest of Africa to commemorate the second African Vaccination Week (AVW) on 30 April – 5 May 2012. Under the country theme, “Immunize your child; prevent polio and measles outbreaks”, the vaccination week aims to strengthen the immunization programme in the country by drawing attention to, and increasing awareness of the importance, the need and the right of all persons to be protected against vaccine preventable diseases.

WHO and Somali Region Intensify Joint Actions to Interrupt Polio Transmission

Jigjiga. 17 April 2014 – The World Health Organization (WHO) and Somali Region are poised to intensify efforts to interrupt polio transmission in the region and in Ethiopia. A high-level WHO delegation, led by the WHO Representative to Ethiopia, visited the Somali Region on 14 and 15 April to affirm WHO's support to the region and discuss increased strategic interventions to control the outbreak.

High Level Advocacy and Dissemination Workshop on Health Sector Disaster Risk Manage...

Addis Ababa, 18 July 2013 -- A High level advocacy meeting to discuss modalities for strengthening Health sector Disaster Risk Management was held at Sheraton Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on July 18th 2013.

During the meeting which was jointly organized by FMOH and WHO, the findings of the recently conducted health sector country DRM capacity assessment and the ten-year road map for strengthening the health sector DRM capacity were disseminated to over 35 participants from various Government sectors, the academia, public health associations, ERCS, national NGOs.