Mozambique News

In Mozambique, household screening keeps families malaria-free

Stefina Mocuvele looks on as her grandson Nolege plays happily with his siblings. It’s a far cry from his condition three years ago, when a bout of malaria landed the then six-year-old in hospital, 10 kilometers away from their home in Matuba locality in the Chókwè district of Gaza province, Mozambique.

Southern Africa in fresh vaccination drive to halt wild polio

Mozambique today kicked off the third round of vaccination against wild poliovirus type 1 as southern Africa countries launch a further drive to protect all under 5 children and halt the debilitating virus from spreading. Neighbouring Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia will also embark on the third phase of mass vaccination campaigns in the coming weeks.

Mozambique vaccinates nearly all adults against COVID-19

“I came to take the COVID-19 booster dose and brought my baby for (childhood routine) immunization,” says Cacilda Manjate, a young mother waiting in a consulting room of the Matola II clinic just outside Mozambique’s capital Maputo. “For me taking the vaccine is important because I have a relative who died of COVID-19. I don’t want to lose anyone else in the family.”

Mozambique confirms wild poliovirus case

Brazzaville/Maputo – Health authorities in Mozambique today declared an outbreak of wild poliovirus type 1 after confirming that a child in the country’s north-eastern Tete province had contracted the disease. This marks the second imported case of wild poliovirus in southern Africa this year, following an outbreak in Malawi in mid-February.

Para a Sra. Monica, todo o ser humano tem o direito a vida saudável

Enquanto mais de 50 países celebram o Dia Mundial da Prematuridade, 17 de Novembro com o objectivo de se levar a consciencialização sobre o parto prematuro e reflectir sobre estratégias para reduzir a taxa de prematuridade, garantir que melhores cuidados sejam oferecidos aos bebés e suas famílias, na província de Cabo Delgado afectada pela situação de insegurança, uma profissional de saúde com mais de 17 anos de carreira, luta para salvar a vida das suas parturientes e  reduzir mor

Cabo Delgado Successfully Completes the Cholera Vaccination Campaign

PEMBA November 03, 2020 – About 312,600 people from hot-spot cholera districts prone for outbreaks in Cabo Delgado Province, including internally displaced persons (IDPs), were vaccinated against the disease in the first and second rounds, both conducted in September and October respectively. A high coverage rate of 85%, according to the results released by the Provincial Health Directorate of Cabo Delgado (DPS).

World Health Organization: 28 cases of COVID-19 confirmed in Mozambique

Maputo – 14, April 2020 – In Mozambique, the number of positive cases for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has increased to 28, with seven (7) new COVID-19 cases confirmed in the last 24 hours, announced the National Director for Public Health, Dr. Rosa Marlene, during the daily press conference on the status of the coronavirus pandemic.