Mozambique News

Dr Eva de Carvalho, Malaria Programme, WHO

Dr Eva de Carvalho has been working on malaria in Mozambique for more than 15 years. For the emergency response, she is supporting the provincial health authorities to supervise the work of the health clinics in the accommodation centres.

Combating cholera in Mozambique

Thousands of people received the oral cholera vaccine today as part of a six-day emergency vaccination campaign run by the Ministry of Health in Mozambique to help prevent spread of cholera.

At the 7 de Abril Primary School in Inhamayabwe village, near the town of Dondo, excited school children gather in their classrooms, pushing one another to the front of the crowded room where each child receives their dose. 

Care and support for landmine survivors


“Great progress has been made in clearing landmines across Mozambique,” says Luis Wamusse, a campaigner for the rights of landmine survivors, “but today, the focus needs to move to help persons living with disabilities as a result of mines.”

Academics and experts discuss public health in Mozambique

Maputo, October 6, 2014 - Experts, academics, senior staff  from the Government and partners in the health sector recently participated in Maputo, in the 1st National Meeting of Public Health to analyze the situation of Public Health in Mozambique and define actions to improve health status of populations. 

The Acting Representative of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Mozambique, Dr. Jacob Mufunda, took part in the three day event and shared his experience on the control of Ebola in Sierra Leone with the provincial’s medical chiefs and other senior public health expert.