Mozambique News

WHO Supports MOH to better respond to Cholera and other Diarrhoeal Disesases Outbrea...

Maputo, 20 May 2015 - To scale up the cholera response activities in Mozambique, the Ministry of Health (MoH), in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and support from the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research in Bangladesh (icddr,b), organized a series of trainings to ensure standardized case management and laboratory diagnosis protocols to reduce mortality and unnecessary deaths from diarrhoeal diseases. 

Strengthening country capacity to improve malaria control

With a prevalence of 46% of children under five in rural areas , malaria is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in Mozambique.  The disease represents nearly half of all outpatient visits and more than half of all inpatient visits at paediatric clinics.

Save Kids Lives – with Road Safety

Around 20% of deaths caused by road traffic accidents in Mozambique are children under 13 years. Children are particularly vulnerable because they often walk or use unsafe transportation to and from school. 

SaveKidsLives is the theme for Global Road Safety Week 2015. The week is a call for action by policy makers to protect children from fatal accidents by creating a safe journey to and from school with speed limits on the roads, safe foot- and cycle paths, safe crossings, seatbelts in school busses and other public transportation, and helmets for motorcyclists. 

Ensuring Quality Standards for Malaria Diagnostics

Malaria accounts for a high burden of morbidity and mortality in all parts of Mozambique especially among children. The disease is particularly prevalent in the rural areas, where almost 1 in 2 children under five have or have had malaria

To lower the high disease burden and reduce mortality rates, the Ministry of Health and WHO conducted a training course for a core team of malaria laboratory technicians from the National Reference Laboratory. 

Conference on Human Resources for Health: Maternal and Neonatal Health Workforce tow...

On the 6th of November 2014 at 8am, the Observatory for Human Resources for Health hosts its Third Annual Conference with the Theme: 

“Maternal and Neonatal Health Workforce towards Universal Health Coverage”

The Conference will debate and share information on the role of health professionals in service delivery for maternal and neonatal health. The first part of the Conference will be a round table discussion with panellists and thereafter there will be nine thematic sessions from different national and international institutions. 

African Traditional Medicine Day

Lichinga, Niassa, 30-31 Aug 2013 – The dirt road leading to the machamba in Machomane outside Lichinga city (22Km) is dry and dusty. Though the road is quiet, the machamba is very different that usually. The machamba is bustling with dancing women in colourful capulanas and men playing drums. The crowd is awaiting the arrival of the Vice-Minister for Health, Dr Nazira Vali Abdula. Among the participants is Dr Felisbela Gaspar, Director of the Institute for Traditional Medicine, in the Ministry of Health established four years ago in 2009. 

Participate in the Traditional Medicine Day on 31 August

On August 31, Mozambique celebrates the 13th African Traditional Medicine Day on Praça dos Héroes in Inhambane, at 8 AM. Regulation of Traditional Health Practitioners in the African Region is the theme this year, organized by the Institute for Traditional Medicine with support from WHO.

Acting WHO Representative meets with the delegation to the 64th session of the Afric...

Maputo, 28 October 2014- The Acting WHO  Country Representative for Mozambique, Dr. Ambrose Disadidi, met on  Monday-  with the Mozambican delegation to the 64th Session of the WHO Regional Committee (RC 64)  for Africa to take place in Cotonou, Republic of Benin from 3rd to 7th  November 2014. The Acting WHO representative was accompanied by Program Officers from the WHO country Office.

The First Joint Assessment of Mozambique's Strategic PESS 2013-2017

The Ministry of Health in Mozambique is currently finalising its Health Sector Strategic Plan (Plano Estratégico do Sector Saúde - PESS 2013-2017). 

The PESS is a comprehensive plan, which incorporates and prioritises all areas of the health sector. It aims at guiding the health sector in the most beneficial direction to achieve established goals. 

Participate in the Traditional Medicine Day on 31 August

On August 31, Mozambique celebrates the 13th African Traditional Medicine Day on Praça dos Héroes in Inhambane, at 8 AM. Regulation of Traditional Health Practitioners in the African Region is the theme this year, organized by the Institute for Traditional Medicine with support from WHO.