Sierra Leone News

Cholera Situation in Sierra Leone, 12 September 2012

In Sierra Leone, the cholera outbreak is ongoing. As of September 11, 2012, a cumulative of 17,538 cases with 261 deaths giving a case fatality Rate of 1.5% was reported by the Directorate of Disease Prevention and Control.

According to daily reports, district that reported the highest number of cases include: Western Area (115), Bo (19) and Tonkolili (17). Western Area where the capital city Freetown is located continues to report most of the cholera cases.

Ministry of Health and Partners including WHO Visit Ebola Affected Districts of Kail...

The Minister of Health and Sanitation (MoHS), Ms Miatta Kargbo conducted field visits to Kenema and Kailahun Districts on 28 June to assess the Ebola outbreak response activities in the districts. The Minister undertook the visit together with the WHO Representative in Sierra Leone, Dr Jacob Mufunda, and senior officials of MoHS including the Chief Medical Officer and a team of Directors and Managers from the Ministry. The media and civil society also formed part of the team.

Sierra Leone Commemorates World AIDS Day 2013

Sierra Leone commemorated World AIDS 2013 Day (WAD) on 1 December 2013 on the theme No retreat on HIV. Deliver the promise. The event is one of the biggest health days that is commemorated every year in Sierra Leone and other countries to increase awareness and improve the fight against the HIV/AIDS. Every year the commemoration brings together local and international partners including the UN, the private sector and civil society.

Ministry of Health and Partners Conduct Post Epidemic Evaluation of Recent Cholera O...

Sierra Leone conducted post epidemic evaluation of the cholera outbreak that affected 12 out of the country’s 13 districts with a cumulative of 22,971 reported cases and 299 deaths and case fatality rate of 1.30 between January to December 2012. The evaluation was conducted in March 2013 with the objective to assess the overall  outbreak response and preparedness with a view of documenting lessons learned, identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and make recommendations.

Ministry of Health and Partners Validate 2013 Sector Annual Operational Plan

The Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS) in collaboration with its health sector partners validated 2013 Sector Annual Operational Plan (AOP) in a two day workshop held on 8-9 January 2013. The AOP was developed by consolidating 19 Local Council Health Plans, 21 Hospital Plans and the Central Level Plan which were individually validated and finalized in November 2012 with the input of the health sector partners. The initial validation processes helped the sector to align and endorse plans at all levels based on the available resource envelop.

Sierra Leone Launches Mental Health Policy and Strategic Plan

Sierra Leone launched its National Mental Health Policy and Strategic Plan at the commemoration of World Mental Health Day on 10 October 2012. The documents and the commemoration were launched by the First Lady of Sierra Leone, Mrs Sia Nyama Koroma in a function attended by government functionaries and non-state actors including UN agencies and other development partners, mental health advocates, the civil society and the media.

Cholera Situation in Sierra Leone, 11 September 2012

As of 10 September 2012, the cumulative number of cases and deaths reported by the Ministry of Health and Sanitation were 17,319 and 259 deaths respectively. Twelve (12) of the 13 districts in the country are now affected.

On 10 September 2012, Western Area continued to report the highest number of cases (140), followed by Bombali (20), Tonkolili (14) and Kambia (13). One death was reported from Kenema district. The national case fatality ratio is now 1.5.

Cholera situation in Sierra Leone - 27 August 2012

Nationally the cholera incidence continues to show an upward trend particularly in Western Area which accounts for the majority of cases (49%). As of the 27 August 2012 the national cumulative for all ten districts is 13,918 cases with 232 deaths (CFR=1.7). Western Area(183), Bombali (20) and Tonkolili (17) reported the highest number of cases. Cholera outbreak has been confirmed in Kenema district in the East of the country bringing the number of affected districts to 11. Reported data indicate 16 cases with no deaths.