Sierra Leone News

IDSR clinician sensitization For Hospitals

Sierra Leone introduced the implementation of Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) strategy in 2004 and since then districts are reporting on a weekly basis. However, data collected does not capture information from hospitals.

United Nations Family in Sierra Leone Holds Joint Health Fair Day

The United Nations Joint Medical Services (UNJMS) hosted a one day Health Fair on 7 June 2013 with the theme “Spring to Health with UNJMS”. The objective of the fair was to promote good health by increasing health awareness among UN staff and their dependants as planned after debriefing of RPM 47 recommendations to involve the UN Country Team (UNCT).

Sierra Leone Road Transport Authority Validates National Road Safety Strategy

The World Health Organization (WHO) supported the Sierra Leone Roads Transport Authority (SLRTA) to validate the National Road Safety Strategic Plan (2013-2015) in a 2 day multi stakeholders’ workshop held from 13-14 March 2013 in Freetown.  Some of the partners at the meeting included the  Sierra Leone Police, insurance companies, motor drivers’ union and vehicle owners,  health officials and line ministries, the local councils, civil society and partners including WHO among others.

Personal Effectiveness Training Replicated in WCO Sierra Leone

Two staff members from WHO Sierra Leone that participated in a Personal Effectiveness Training Workshop in Brazzaville shared their experiences with their colleagues at the Country Office by replicating the training. Ms Hannah Yankson and Mrs Edith Gray together with staff from other Country Offices attended the workshops from 4 to 7 December 2012 organized by the Staff Devel-opment and Learning Unit at the Regional Office in Brazzaville, Congo.

Cholera situation in Sierra Leone, 24 September 2012

As of 23 September 2012, the cumulative number of cases and deaths reported by the Ministry of Health were 19,674 and 278 deaths respectively.

The number of daily reported cases of cholera continues to show a downward trend. On 23 September 2012, Western Area continued to report the highest number of cases (77), followed by Kenema (15) and Bombali (8) . No case of death was reported from all the districts. It is noted that case management has improved in most districts.

Cholera situation in Sierra Leone - 5 September, 2012

The ongoing cholera outbreak in Sierra Leone is still on the increase with the Capital City and its suburbs (Western Area) accounting for more than 50% of the reported cases and about 34% of the deaths nationally. Kailahun remains the only district in the country without a confirmed cholera case. Active surveillance and social mobilisation activities are however underway in that district to prevent spread of the disease in case of an outbreak there.

Ministry of Health Holds Dialogue on Human Resources for Health Policy and Plan

The Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS) conducted policy dialogue on the first National Human Resources for Health (HRH) Policy and Strategic Plan (2012-2016) at the Bintumani Hotel in Freetown on 17 July 2012.
The event was opened by the Hon. Minister of health and Sanitation, Mrs Zainab Bangura. The participants included representatives of health partners, officials of line ministries and top civil servants.

Kailahun deploys 300 volunteers to monitor persons exposed to Ebola virus in communi...

Freetown, Sierra Leone, 11 July 2014 - The Kailahun District Health Management Team in collaboration with WHO, Red Cross, MSF, Metabiota and other partners has trained the last batch of 300 community volunteers in the district. The volunteers comprised of community health workers and Red Cross Volunteers selected across the communities in the 14 chiefdoms in Kailahun  District.

The volunteers were trained to identify and monitor Ebola signs and symptoms in persons that have had “contact” with Ebola patients.

Sierra Leone Prepares for Ebola Outbreak

The Minister of Health and Sanitation Madam Miata Kargbo has briefed partners about the Ebola Situation in Sierra Leo- ne and the preparations for any outbreak. She explained about national task force and technical commitees on coor- dination, case management, communications, laboratory and surveillance.

During the briefing meeting the Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Dr Brima Kargbo explained that Sierra Leone does not have any suspected or confirm case of Ebola. Further- more he briefed about the stepping up of surveillance and efforts to calm the public.