Update COVID-19 26 March 2020

Update COVID-19 26 March 2020

26 March 2020 — Nine (9) new CoVID_19 cases were identified today, bringing the total to fifty (50).
•    Five (5) travelers who arrived from Dubai and were isolated upon arrival
•    One (1) traveler who arrived from USA and was isolated upon arrival
•    One (1) traveler who arrived from Netherlands and who is also a contact of a previously confirmed positive traveler and has been isolated
•    Two (2) contacts of previously confirmed positive travelers who have been isolated.  

All patients are under treatment in stable condition, isolated from other patients. The tracing of all contacts has been conducted for further management. 

Heightened vigilance continued to be required. The enhanced prevention measures by the Government of Rwanda must be rigorously observed: non-essential businesses are closed, travel between cities and districts is suspended, and non-essential movements outside the home are not permitted. Any Rwandans or legal residents returning to country will be subject to a mandatory 14-day quarantine at designated locations.
 The cooperation of Rwandans and residents is greatly appreciated, as are the efforts of those working hard in the health sector who continue to be supported and appropriately protected as they work to protect the health and safety of all of us.

Continue to observe the instructions of health authorities, particularly washing hands regularly, and maintaining physical distance from other people (at least 1,5 meter).  Note that the essential social gatherings, such as funerals, may have no more than ten (10) participants.

The key symptoms of coronavirus are dry cough, shortness of breath, and fever. Anyone experiencing these symptoms should call the toll-free number 114, email callcenter [at] rbc.gov.rw (callcenter[at]rbc[dot]gov[dot]rw), send a Whatsapp message to +250788202080(or +250781753012, or contact a medical professional.

Let’s continue to work together to defeat this pandemic.

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