WHO receives norwegian support for ebola activities in Ghana

WHO receives norwegian support for ebola activities in Ghana

Accra, 26th September, 2014 -The World Health Organization (WHO) has signed an agreement with the Norwegian Government for the release of 6,200,000 Norwegian Kroner (approximately US$ 1,000,000.00 ) to support WHO’s Action Plan for Ebola Outbreak Preparedness in Ghana.

Signing the agreement in Accra today, the WHO Country Representative to Ghana, Dr Magda Robalo recalled that WHO declared the current Ebola outbreak as a public health event of international con-cern which threatens global security. She expressed WHO’s gratitude to the Norwegian government for the support towards the fight against Ebola, especially focusing on preparedness activities in Ghana.  She also assured representatives of the Norwegian Government that the funds will be used to implement critical activities in line with the Ghana’s Preparedness Plan to Prevent an Ebola Outbreak and the WHO Ebola Response Roadmap.

In her statement, Her Excellency the Norwegian Ambassador to Ghana, Ms Hege Hertzberg stressed the commitment of her government to support Ghana in its preparedness efforts. She applauded WHO’S coordinating role in the response to the outbreak and highlighted the importance of partner-ships in tackling health emergencies such as this, which have the potential to jeopardize important de-velopment gains. 
Speaking on behalf of the Honorable Minister of Health, Dr Afisah Zakariah, Director, Policy, Plan-ning, Monitoring and Evaluation at the Ministry of Health indicated that in as much as Ghana’s pre-paredness efforts were still ongoing there was the need for further support to strengthen surveillance systems, train front line health workers in early diagnosis and case management, equip treatment cen-ters and isolation wards and also intensify public sensitization.

Under the terms of the agreement, the Norwegian government will release the funds to WHO as a do-nation towards augmenting its efforts in Ebola preparedness activities in Ghana. Specifically, the do-nation will be channeled to supporting effective coordination of preparedness and response activities; strengthen capacity for active surveillance, early detection, investigation and reporting. Further appli-cation of the funding will be in the area of capacity strengthening for laboratory diagnosis, case man-agement, contact tracing and infection prevention and control. Effective risk communication, public information and education interventions will also be prioritized.

The implementation of activities is expected to commence in September, 2014 and would last for a period of one year, ending in September, 2015.


For further information please contact:

Dr Magda Robalo, WHO Representative
WHO Ghana
email: robalom [at] who.int (robalom[at]who[dot]int)
Dr Sally-Ann Ohene, Disease Prevention and Control Officer
WHO Ghana
email: ohenes [at] who.int (ohenes[at]who[dot]int)
Ms Joana Ansong, Health Promotion Officer
WHO Ghana
email: ansongj [at] who.int (ansongj[at]who[dot]int)

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