WHO Country Office conducts a workshop for orientation of Ministry of Health staff from the Northern Region on WHO’s Business Rules

WHO Country Office conducts a workshop for orientation of Ministry of Health staff from the Northern Region on WHO’s Business Rules

Lusaka, 25 January 2017 - The WHO Country Office in Zambia is conducting the last in the series of workshops aimed at orienting senior managerial, finance and technical staff of the Ministry of Health on WHO’s business rules from 19 - 27 January 2017.

This is the second training targeting the Northern region provinces following a similar workshop which was conducted in October 2016 for the Southern region. The workshop is targeting Provincial Health Directors, District Health Directors and accounts officers.  The orientation is meant to equip the participants with the required knowledge on the processes of preparation, implementation and reporting WHO Direct Financial Contribution (DFC) grants, procurement procedures, travel and other WHO business transactions. This orientation is intended to promote better collaboration and partnership between WHO and Ministry of Health and to reduce or possibly eliminate non-compliance to who policies, processes and procedures on the part of the Ministry. During this second batch of training, the GMC cluster of the WHO Regional Office for Africa (WHO/AFRO) provided highlights on accountability and compliance guidance on DFCs via teleconference. In addition, questions raised by some of the participating officials was addressed by WHO/AFRO (AFM).

Other than DFC orientation, the workshop is also covering standard operating procedures for procurement of goods and services, Technical Service Agreements (TSA), Consultancy, Agreement of Performance of Work (APW), and travel management focusing on aspects that relate and affect the Ministry. In addition, a session on WHO mandate, WHO functions, structure, governing bodies, and an overview of WHO roles and responsibilities of the various levels of the organization is also included. The workshop also promotes WHO visibility, advocates for harmonization and alignment as well as creating an opportunity for the Country Office to get feedback from the Ministry of Health at different levels. The challenges the Ministry is facing with DFCs and lessons learnt are also being discussed. The feedback is important as it will be used to improve future interventions. This development is timely as it is in line with the Transformation Agenda of the WHO African Region which is focusing on WHO to be a more efficient, effective, responsive and accountable organization.

The training is facilitated by the WHO Representative, Dr. Jacob Mufunda with a team of WHO staff which includes: Mr. Solomon Kagulula, National Professional Officer, Managerial Processes for Health Development Networks, Mr. Mbaulo Musumali, Operations Officer, Mrs Anne Sikazwe, Program Budget and Finance Assistant, and Ms Mutembo Siboonde, Procurement and Travel Assistant. 


For More information contact:

Solomon Kagulura, National Professional Officer, Managerial Processes for Health Development Networks, kaguluras [at] who.int (kaguluras[at]who[dot]int), GPN: 37611, Tel: 00 260 211 255322

Mbaulo Musumali, National Professional Officer, Operations Officer, musumalim [at] who.int (musumalim[at]who[dot]int), GPN: 37602, Tel: 00 260 211 255322

Nora Mweemba, National Professional Officer, Health Promotion Officer, mweemban [at] who.int (mweemban[at]who[dot]int), GPN: 37609, Tel: 00 260 211 255322

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