WHO Experts Engaged with Angolan Parliamentarians in an Advocacy Session on Major Endemics

WHO Experts with Angolans MPs
©WHO/João Carlos Domingos

WHO Experts Engaged with Angolan Parliamentarians in an Advocacy Session on Major Endemics

Experts from the World Health Organization in Angola conducted a high-level advocacy session for members of the 6th Commission of the National Assembly of Angola. The event focused on the three major endemics affecting the country: Malaria, Tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS, aiming to enhance understanding and essential knowledge for making informed and effective decisions.

Angola faces challenges in combating these major endemics. These diseases are particularly lethal for pregnant women and children under five years old. Tuberculosis, in particular, is the third leading cause of death in the country, trailing only behind malaria and road traffic accidents, and it is the primary cause of morbidity and mortality among individuals living with HIV/AIDS.

The main objective of the engagement was to provide MPs with systematic and articulated information about the major endemics and their impact. Specific objectives included:

- Understanding the incidence and impact of major endemics in Angola;

- Analyzing key indicators of these diseases;

- Suggesting preventive measures to the Executive to mitigate the major endemics.

Participants left the session with a clearer understanding of the severity of major endemics and the programs implemented by the government to combat them. This knowledge is crucial for them to make more informed and effective decisions in parliament, contributing to the development of public policies aimed at reducing mortality and contamination.

Moreover, WHO presented its mission to the MPs, as well as a summary of the 14th General Work Programme, approved by Member States during the 77th World Health Assembly, which saw participation from a delegation led by Angola's Minister of Health, Silvia Lutucuta. WHO also discussed the investment round that will ensure funding for the General Work Programme.

Deputy Arleth Borges, Coordinator for Health of the 6th Commission, highlighted the importance of this engagement:

"As we know, these endemics are leading causes of death in our country. Thus, we need to follow the data, we need to have this data with us because later, at budget time, we will need to advocate for the improvement of some actions that should be taken at the level of the Ministry of Health. But for that, it is essential that MPs are informed, and what better way than having experts who master this data come and conduct these sessions."

The session conducted by WHO represents an important step in the fight against major endemics in Angola. By equipping MPs with critical information, WHO is directly contributing to enabling parliamentarians to make more informed and effective decisions, positively impacting public health in the country.

WHO reaffirms its commitment to supporting the government of Angola and other entities involved in the fight against these diseases, promoting the health and well-being of all Angolans.

Arlete Borges, Angolan MP
©WHO/João Carlos Domingos
Omotola Akindipe, WHO External Relations Officer
©WHO/João Carlos Domingos
Dr. Nzuzi Katondi speaking about TB
©WHO/João Carlos Domingos
WHO Experts with Angolans MPs
©WHO/João Carlos Domingos
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Pour plus d'informations ou pour demander des interviews, veuillez contacter :
João Carlos Domingos
Communications Assistant
WHO Angola
djoao [at] who.int
Omotola Akindipe

External Relations Officer
WHO Angola
akindipeo [at] who.int