IDSR clinician sensitization For Hospitals

IDSR clinician sensitization For Hospitals

Sierra Leone introduced the implementation of Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) strategy in 2004 and since then districts are reporting on a weekly basis. However, data collected does not capture information from hospitals.

As a way of improving IDSR reporting, the District Health Management Team (DHMT) in collaboration with the Directorate of Disease Prevention and Control (DPC) held a meeting to discuss the need for inclusion of hospitals in the weekly reporting of epidemic prone diseases. Technical support from WHO was requested by MoHS for sensitizing clinician on data collection for IDSR.

Based on the above the western area DHMT with technical support from WHO and DPC conducted a clinician sensitization meeting for nine hospitals.

Objective of the sensitization

  • To update clinicians on IDSR activities conducted in the country
  • To bring onboard hospitals as part of the weekly reporting system on epidemic prone diseases from their various facilities
  • To agree on key roles and responsibilities of health workers in the hospital surveillance system

Presentations on key IDSR modules including case detection and investigation using appropriate tools form part of the training.


  • Reporting from hospitals to commence in January 2014
  • Frequent and regular updates/feedbacks including laboratory results should be provided to hospitals
  • DHMT to conduct supportive supervision at facility level
  • WHO to assist with the production of the case definitions for the hospital 
  • Data managers from the different health facilities were provided with the tools and technics of analyzing key surveillance indicators. The roles of participants in hospital surveillance system were clearly spelt out.

By: Ms Ishata Conteh, WHO Surveillance Officer 

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