Health Sector Steering Group Meets to Discuss Issues in the Sector

Health Sector Steering Group Meets to Discuss Issues in the Sector

The Sierra Leone Health Sector Steering Group (HSSG) held one of its regular meetings at the Conference Room of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS) on Tuesday 17 April 2012. The meeting was Chaired by the Hon Deputy Minister of Health and Sanitation and co-chaired by the Director of Planning and Information. In welcoming the partners, the Director of Policy, Planning and Information, Dr Magnus Gborie said that the regular meetings have helped to strengthen coordination among health partners in supporting the Joint Programme of Work and Funding (JPWF) 2012-2014.
Presentations of updates were made by four working groups including: Health Financing, Procurement and supply chain management, Human Resources for Health and Information, Monitoring and Evaluation. Some of the areas of focus of the presentations and discussions included national distribution of drugs and medical supplies, Social Health Insurance, Financial Management Assessment, data quality of routine reports, Supportive supervision and human resources.
The HSSG meets every fortnight to track progress of the implementation of JPWF, assess the report of the thematic technical working group, discuss priority issues and provide technical guidance to the working group. It also review policy related issues and refer to the Health Sector Coordination Committee for decision. The meeting also serves as forum for exchange of information among health partners.

The HSSG comprised of the senior management of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation and development partners working or supporting health programmes. The group is chaired by the Chief Medical Officer of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation. The HSSG is also subdivided into seven working groups with each chaired by a Ministry of Health official and co-chaired by one of the partners. The working groups are charged with specific responsibilities and mandates on which they are expected to report to the HSSG in their regular meetings for decisions and actions.


Health Sector Steering Group Meets to Discuss Issues in the Sector

For More Information contact:

World Health Organization,
21 A and B Riverside Drive, off King Harman Road, Freetown
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