WHO African Region Programme Subcommittee meeting begins in Brazzaville, Congo

WHO African Region Programme Subcommittee meeting begins in Brazzaville, Congo

43861e12b810ced7b704f22ed7274b96_XL.jpgBrazzaville, 13 June 2016 – The meeting of the Programme Sub-Committee (PSC) of the Regional Committee for the World Health Organization (WHO) in the African Region began today in Brazzaville, Congo. The PSC prepares and reviews documentation for presentation to the Regional Committee which meets annually to deliberate and pass resolutions on priority health issues in the Region.

In her remarks at the opening session, WHO Regional Director for Africa Dr Matshidiso Moeti highlighted the key agenda items to be reviewed by the PSC to include Regional Strategies for health security and emergencies, oral health and regulation of medical products; implementation frameworks for Global Strategies on TB, Malaria, HIV and Hepatitis respectively; and on health in the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, among others.

She noted that improving efficiency including in the use of resources, strengthening accountability, addressing risks and improving compliance with WHO’s business rules, are critical aspects of the Transformation Agenda, on which the Secretariat is making a great deal of effort and progress. She called for in-depth discussion on management issues at the Regional Committee, especially those related to audits, so that Member States are better informed of the requirements and understand what is at stake. “Improving performance on this is a joint responsibility of Secretariat and Member States,” she said.

Dr Moeti drew attention to the recurrent outbreaks and other health emergencies in the African Region and underscored the importance of the proposed Regional Strategy for Health Security and Emergencies. “If adopted, [the strategy] will provide a common framework to be implemented by all Member States for improving preparedness and response to disease outbreaks and emergencies with impact on public health; and for strengthening capacity for IHR within the broader realm of building resilient health systems.”

This year’s PSC is unique in that, by the invitation of the Regional Director, it is attended by the Coordinator of the African Group on health matters for Geneva-based missions, as well as a representative of the Permanent Delegation of the African Union Commission in Geneva.  “These institutions play important roles in galvanising Regional support and common positions on important global public health issues,” said the Regional Director. 

Expressing appreciation to the Regional Director’s invitation extended to the Geneva-based African health experts and AU Permanent Delegation to participate in this meeting, Ms Bhavanesha Naidoo, Representative of the Permanent Delegation of the African Union in Geneva, said, “This is a reflection of the commitment of the Regional Director to implement the Geneva African Ambassadors recommendations on enhancing coordination and communication between Brazzaville, Geneva and Addis Ababa.” 
She added that such coordination and communication is essential to the formation of a unified and coherent African voice, influencing and setting the global health agenda. 

The African Group Coordinator, Mr Samir Rahem, also shared the same view that such an initiative will enable African missions in Geneva to have a clearer understanding of the African public health agenda.


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