Dr Luis Gomes Sambo - nominated for a second five-year term as World Health Organization’s Regional Director for Africa

Dr Luis Gomes Sambo - nominated for a second five-year term as World Health Organization’s Regional Director for Africa


Kigali, 1 September 2009 -- Dr Luis Gomes Sambo of Angola has been re-nominated as the World Health Organization's (WHO) Regional Director for Africa.

Member States of the 59th Session of the WHO's Regional Committee unanimously voted for him to serve a second five-year term. The nomination took place today during the annual session of the regional governing body in Kigali, Rwanda. He formally begins his second term on 1st February 2010, on appointment by the Executive Board of the World Health Organization.

Under his leadership during the past five years, wide ranging reforms were initiated that have contributed to the improvement of health outcomes.

Dr Sambo obtained a degree in medicine from the University of Angola, and the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. He qualified as a specialist in Public Health at the Colégio de Post- Graduação Médica of Angola. Prior to joining WHO, he was the Vice Minister of Health in Angola from 1983-1989.

He has served in various positions within the Organization including Chief of the Inter-Country Strategic Support Team for Southern African Countries, WHO Country Representative for Guinea Bissau, Head of Health For All Strategy, Director of the Division of Health Systems and Services Development at the Regional Office and Director of Programme Management at the Regional Office.

He is fluent in Portuguese, French and English and married with children. 

For more information, please contact :

Media contact
Collins Boakye-Agyemang
E-mail: boakyec [at] afro.who.int (boakyec[at]afro[dot]who[dot]int) 
Tel: +47 241 39420