Tobacco use is the root cause of most non-communicable disease in Malawi

Malawi Assesses Its Needs for Effective Implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO-FCTC)

The report being official launched

WHO Supports Ghana in Developing Landmark 2023 STEPS Report to Address Non-Communicable Disease Risk Factors

A blood glucose test measuring the amount of glucose in a sample blood

Advancing Diabetes Care in Ghana: WHO’s Collaborative Efforts on the Path to Better Health

World Diabetes Day 2024 commemoration

Uganda Renews Commitment to Diabetes Control on World Diabetes Day

A beneficiary of the 10 million health screening initiative in Kaduna-

Knowing your numbers – stahekolders joined forces in fighting two silent killer diseases

Group picture of participants of the training and facilitators

WHO Equips Journalists to Spotlight Critical Health Insights from 2023 Ghana's STEPS Report

Meeting on health diets

WHO strengthens countries capacities to combat diet related Noncommunicable Diseases in Africa

A MEDSAR student checking a woman's blood pressure at the Nyabahinga Market

WHO joins forces with medical students to improve health and well-being of adolescents and communities