Featured news

Dr Kaluwa responding to questions from a sesction of the media

WHO reaffirms its support for initiatives and networks for harmonization and convergence of regulatory practices for Medicines in Africa

High turnout of beneficiaries marks the 2nd OCV campaign in Borno state. Photo: WHO/CE.Onuekwe

Borno conducts second round of cholera vaccination campaign to contain outbreak

Dr Kaluwa presenting the award to  Dr Anyah

Chief Executive Officer of Korle-bu Teaching Hospital wins the Health Award at the Impact Africa Summit on Sustainable Development Goals

Dr. Desta A. Tiruneh sharing some words of wisdom with the trainees

WHO County Office conducts training for journalists on health reporting

The WHO Representative, Dr. Nathan Nsubuga Bakyaita (left) shaking hands with the Minister of Forein Affairs Hon. Harry Kalaba after presenting letters of credence.

The WHO Representative, Dr. Nathan Nsubuga Bakyaita presents his credentials to the Minister of Foreign Affairs

Experts Call for Increased Investments to Drive Immunization Progress in Africa

From left to right: Pr Blami Dao, Jhpiego Baltimore; Dr Alimata Jeanne Diarra-Nama, WHO Representative for Burkina Faso ; Dr Francine Douamba, Secretary General of the Ministry of Health of Burkina Faso; Dr Léopold Ouédraogo, Regional Manager for Sexual and Reproductive Health, WHO/AFRO; Mr Serge Sari, UNFPA Burkina Faso

Momentum grows towards improved reproductive health services :  Experts pledge renewed commitment to scale up access to reproductive health services