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Assistant Director, environmental health at MOH, Mr. Mulonda Mate and Dr. Peter Songolo, Disease Prevention and Control Officer, WHO welcoming the participants.

Zambia commences the second phase of the Joint External Evaluation of the core capacities for implementation of the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005)

Commemoration of World Hepatitis Day

Gambia commemorates World Hepatitis Day 2017


WHO and partners take on malaria: the top killer in north-eastern Nigeria

Le programme RAcE cible les populations qui, dans la province de Tanganyika, vivent à plus de 5 km du centre de santé le plus proche. Les routes sont en mauvais état et la plupart des gens se déplacent soit à pied, en portant leurs enfants, soit sur des bicyclettes et des cyclomoteurs qui font office de taxis informels mais coûteux.

WHO child health programme dries tears in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Certificate of accreditation for College of Health Technology, Ningi in Bauchi state

Nigeria Closes Gaps in Human Resource for Health as Another Institution Gets Full Accreditation

Dr Dovlo (standing) presenting preliminary findings of “Scoping” mission to Nigeria

Primary Health Care Revitalization- Nigeria’s Solution to Achieving Universal Health Coverage.

The  Chief Medical Officer handing over Certificate of Participation to Dr Aschalen Workineh from the MoH Ethiopia

Countries Agree To Work towards Strengthening their Public Health Emergency Operations Centre