Featured news

The Minister of Health, Honorable Atupele Muluzi waves high the newly launched National Alcohol Policy for Malawi

Malawi launches the National Alcohol Policy on 18 August 2017

Jacqueline Maina, WHO Emergency Mobile Medical Team coordinator, administering Oral Cholera Vaccine in Kapoeta town. Credit WHO South Sudan

Oral Cholera Vaccination campaign to combat cholera in South Sudan concludes despite security and access challenges

Health Sector Strategic Development Plan II

Eritrea Launched the Health Sector Strategic Development Plan II (HSSDP II) 2017-2021

Retour volontaire de refugies Burundais

Retour volontaire de refugies Burundais

Participants engaged in the planning and preparatory session prior to the AAR

Taking stock of lessons learnt from the Cholera outbreak response in Tanzania

Dr Rachel Seruyange making a speech on behalf of the WHO Country Representative Dr Wondimagegenehu Alemu

Seventy seven percent (77%) of children 12 – 23 months in Nigeria did not receive all routine immunization – Survey findings


The United Republic of Tanzania launches the National Action Plan for Health Security

 Reaching key populations to prevent the spread of disease in Ethiopia

Reaching key populations to prevent the spread of disease in Ethiopia