Featured news

Uganda ends Marburg virus disease outbreak

Uganda ends Marburg virus disease outbreak

Mother and baby sleeping under a mosquito net

WHO supports ministry of health to train district rapid response teams in malaria surveillance, epidemic preparedness and response

Sugary drinks

WHO commends South African parliament decision to pass tax bill on sugary drinks

Dr Seipone, Director of Health Services - MOHW, officially opening the workshop

Botswana trains lawyers in Tobacco Control Legislation

HIV testing and counselling services in Juba. Photo: WHO.

World AIDS Day in South Sudan heightens campaigns to end AIDS by 2030

The special session on the role of the Organization of African First Ladies against HIV and AIDS (OAFLA) in Ending Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV

WHO lauds African First Ladies for their prominent role in tackling Mother to Child Transmission of HIV

A medical personnel measures a child's middle upper arm circumference (MUAC) to check for malnutrition.  A color-coded MUAC band is a simple tool for screening children for acute malnutrition. Photo: WHO.

With threat of famine looming for 2018, WHO helps worst cases of malnutrition in children in South Sudan