Featured news


Countries commit to extending HIV & AIDS services closer to children and adolescents at the African Regional meeting on HIV & AIDS

Eastview nursery school performing a play about immunization

Zimbabwe launches new vaccine during the National Immunization Days


The African regional workshop on Pediatric and Adolescent HIV & AIDS

Child in front of insecticide treated bed net EPA/K. Ludbroo

WHO/UNICEF report: Malaria MDG target achieved amid sharp drop in cases and mortality, but 3 billion people remain at risk

Ebola contact tracing team at work in the quarantined village, Bombali district, Sierra Leone.

Rapid response to new Ebola infection in Bombali, Sierra Leone


Coverage of the African regional workshop on pediatric and adolescent HIV &AIDS (day 2)

13th African Traditional Medicine Day commemoration in Ethiopia

13th African Traditional Medicine Day commemorated in Ethiopia