The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania in collaboration with World Health Organization (WHO) and Bloomberg Philanthropies Global Road Safety Programme are implementin
Sokoto, 11 March 2016- With low routine immunization coverage survey data at less than 40% and about 94% of deliveries at home; contributing to high infant and maternal mortalit
Emergency and WASH teams of WHO and UNICEF hold regular meetings to discuss the best way of coordinating the two UN agencies’ support to the Government of Ethiopia’s response to
Sokoto, 11 March 2016 -- Nigeria’s Minister of Health, Professor Isaac Adewole has urged delegates to the 58th session of the National Council on Health (NCH) with the theme, ‘U
Monrovia, 8 March - The three West African countries most affected by the recent Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak have made significant achievements on infection prevention an