Featured news

Cholera outbreak response in the United Republic of Tanzania

Professor Adebowole giving updates on the Lassa fever outbrak and preparedness against Zika virus

Minister assures Nigerians that Lassa fever outbreak is under control but tasks citizenry to be vigilant on Zika virus

Visit and water testing at water point

WHO, UNHCR and UNICEF conduct 2nd joint field visit to Mahama Refugee camp in Rwanda to monitor the on-going Typhoid Fever control measures

WHO Representative visiting one of the Cholera patients in one of the CTCs in Butiama District Council

Engaging Mara Regional Health Team in finding local solutions to curb Cholera

Dr Salla Mbaya presenting the immediate recommendations of the 31st ERC

Polio Eradication Expert Review Committee warns of a hard road to the finish line.

WHO staff, Ms Rose Shija on behalf of the WHO Representative handing over the 4 water tanks to the Segerea prison management witnessed by Dar es Salaam Regional Health Officer and WHO staff.

Battling Cholera in Special Settings in Dar es Salaam Region

Director of Health Quality Assuarance encouraging use of the Cholera treatment wall charts in the CTCs for correct management of patients

WHO Representative gears up to tackle Cholera in the Lake zone Regions

Community drug distributors and WHO staff with poles they use to measure the height of participants during a mass drug administration. Height is used to determine the proper treatment dosage for participants. e.g. an individual who is above 158 cm, which has the number 4, would receive four doses of ivermectin

WHO and Ministry of Health conduct mass drug administration against river blindness in South Sudan