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A Participant exhibiting herbal Products

Liberia commemorates 13th African Traditional Medicine Day – 31st August, 2015


Participate in the Traditional Medicine Day on 31 August

WHO team organizing intensive response to the new Ebola case reported in Kambia.jpg

Guinea Ring Vaccination trial extended to Sierra Leone to vaccinate contacts of new Ebola case

Redemption Hospital WHO/S. Saporito

The road to redemption: Ebola infection prevention and control

The WHO Representative, Dr. Rufaro Chatora hands over to the Permanent Secretary one of the water treatment tablets

WHO supports the cholera outbreak response efforts in Dar es Salaam, Morogoro and Pwani Regions in Tanzania

Malawi: Giving the smallest babies the best chance at life

Adama Sankou, an Ebola survivor, was released from the Makheni Ebola treatment unit on 24 August 2015, Sierra Leone.

Last Ebola case in Sierra Leone