Featured news

Dr Usman, WHO Representative to South Sudan, addressing participants during the consultative meeting.

WHO and the Ministry of Health conducted a consultative meeting to strengthen community health systems and the 2016/2017 work plan

Clinical microbiologists processing samples of suspected meningitis cases

WHO deploys laboratory experts to establish the sero-type of bacterial meningitis causing the outbreak in Ghana

The Honourable Minister with WHO Health Systems Advisor Khosie Mthethwa on arrival at Gimbichu Woreda area.

Swaziland Ministry of Health learns best practices from Ethiopia

Audio and video productions to promote the WHO work in South Sudan, and raise awareness on health issues

WHO Country Rep Liberia handing over transfer certificates and keys to the Minister of Health

Liberia receives support to strengthen disease surveillance


WHO Uganda holds staff retreat


Official visit of WHO Regional Director for Africa, Dr Moeti to Gabon

Cholera outbreak response in the United Republic of Tanzania