Featured news


Angola: Government and partners launch free Hepatitis B Vaccine as an act of social justice and health equity

FMoH and development partners signing the Joint Financial Arrangement

Ethiopia and Development Partners Sign Joint Financing Arrangement for Health

MERCK company pays courtesy call to WHO Regional Office for Africa

MERCK company pays courtesy call to WHO Regional Office for Africa

H.E. Mr Demeke Mekonnen, Deputy Prime Minister of Ethiopia, speaking at the launch.

Ethiopia Launches 10-Year Strategy and Plan of Action to Increase Access to Medicines by Transforming Local Pharmaceutical Industry

Dr. Margaret Itto, State Minister of Health for Eastern Equatoria State officially opened the workshop

South Sudan embarks on drive to eliminate NTDs within five years

WHO/E. Kalondo

Vaccinating and registering the children born during Ebola


Meeting on the Use of Neglected Tropical Diseases Mapping Data to Improve Programme Impact kicks off in Harare

Sustaining Achievements in Polio Eradication in Ethiopia and Africa

Sustaining Achievements in Polio Eradication in Ethiopia and Africa