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Child receiving OPV during hard-to-reach mobile session

Yobe State commits to sustaining the hard-to-reach project for underserved communities

Opening of the US-Ethiopia meeting on Global Health Security Agenda, 17 June 2015

WHO Lauds US-Ethiopia Collaboration for Implementation of the International Health Regulation

Minister of Health, Dr Riek Gai Kok, addressing the press conterence on cholera in Juba, alongside the Minister of Health for Central Equatoria State, Hon. Dr. Felix Ladu and WHO Country Representative Dr. Tarande Manzila

Cholera Outbreak Declared in Juba County of South Sudan

WHO Regional Director for Africa Dr Matshidiso Moeti to address African Health Ministers of Small Island Developing States in Mauritius

Minister of Health, Dr. Riek Gai Kok addressing the press conference on cholera in Juba, alongside tate Minister of Health for Central Equatoria State, Hon. Dr. Felix Ladu and WHO Country Representative Dr. Tarande Manzila.

Minister of Health declares cholera outbreak in Juba county, South Sudan

WHO Regional Director for Africa Dr Matshidiso Moeti to address African Health Ministers of Small Island Developing States in Mauritius

The WR delivering his opening speech at the WISN workshop

WHO Nigeria embarks on strengthening human resource management; and documentation of polio programme best practices.