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An integrated nationwide Maternal and Child Health Week campaign (MCHW) is underway in Sierra Leone aimed at restoring the delivery of essential health services which were interrupted during the Ebola outbreak. The campaign locally known as “Mammy and Pikin Wellbodi Week” is being conducted from 26-30 November with the focus of reaching an estimated 1.3 million children under 5 years with vitamin A supplementation and deworming with Albendazole. It also provides opportunity to reach children 0-23 months tha

First large scale maternal and child health campaign underway after end of Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone


New recommendations show how to treat all people living with HIV and decrease new infections


Uganda Launches the National Medicines Policy (NMP) and National Pharmaceutical Sector Strategic Plan III (NPSSPIII)


Uganda launches Human Papillomavirus Vaccine


Uganda holds Universal Health Coverage Symposium

Health Ministers Endorse a Research Strategy for the African Region

Health Ministers Endorse a Research Strategy for the African Region