Ethiopia Scores Highest for Ebola Preparedness

Ethiopia Scores Highest for Ebola Preparedness

WHO and partners conduct Ebola assessments in 14 high risk countries in Africa

The World Health Organization (WHO) and partners conducted Ebola Virus Disease preparedness assessments in 14 countries in the African region in 2014. The assessment team visited Ethiopia 2-8 December 2014 to explore what systems were in place and what areas of preparedness could be strengthened.

The Ebola preparedness assessment covered eleven domains looking at minimum and addition requirements for each country. Some of the areas evaluated included national coordination, public awareness and community engagement, infection prevention and control, case management, surveillance, contact tracking, laboratories, as well as preparedness at points of entry. The overall score for preparedness was combined of data from these components. 

Ethiopia registered the highest score (55%) for country level preparedness among the 14 high risk countries assessed. The target set for country level preparedness is 75%. Since the assessment, Ethiopia together with its partners is working to improve the country’s preparedness by responding to the assessment recommendations. Currently most of the areas, which were identified to require further attention and preparedness, have been addressed or are in progress to be completed in the near future. 

For more information, please contact: Dr Kebba O. Jaiteh, Outbreak Crisis and Response, WHO Ethiopia; Email: jaitehk [at] (jaitehk[at]who[dot]int)

Photos: WHO Ethiopia/ V. Erkkila

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