Sierra Leone Develops Health Sector Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Management Plan

Sierra Leone Develops Health Sector Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Management Plan

The Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS) with support from WHO initiated the first step to establish system aimed at contributing to the hu-man security and development. Experts were drawn from all WHO levels to assist the country to conduct a situation analysis that led to a roadmap in health sector risk reduction and emergency management (DRM).

The objective was to initiate process that will lead to establishment of sys-tems to reduce avoidable loss of life, disease burden and disability in emergencies, disasters, conflicts and other humanitarian crises. The major outcome of the stakeholders meeting included a draft plan (roadmap) which will guide the development of projects to effectively respond to emergencies.

In his opening address, Dr Amara Jambai, Director of Disease Prevention and Control (DPC) of MoHS said “the country is slow to react to disasters and epidemics due to weak capacity. The health sector risk management and preparedness assessment will assist to systematically document these weaknesses as the first step to find solution.”

In the welcoming remarks of the WHO Representative, Dr Wondimagegnehu Alemu, said the consequences of disasters can be severe without the right capacity to respond. He cited recent sea accident and fire disaster at the Central fuel depot both of which left scores of people dead. He noted that the initiative is timely and that if the right strategy is used necessary support would be generated for its implementation. Amplifier

Fire, floods, wind, road and sea accidents, landslides are the common forms of disasters in Sierra Leone resulting in undesirable outcome. Alt-hough many of these emergencies are often unpredictable, much can be done to prevent and mitigate their effects by strengthening capacity at all levels.

For more information contact:

World Health Organization, 21 A and B Riverside Drive, off King Harman Road, Freetown
Phone : 232-22-233565 , +232-76-723236; e-mail: whosl [at] (whosl[at]sl[dot]afro[dot]who[dot]int),