13th Task Force on Immunization Meeting Ends, Adopts Recommendations
Brazzaville, 03 March 2006 -- The 13th meeting of the Task Force on Immunization (TFI) in Africa ended on Thursday March 3, 2006 in Brazzaville, Congo with the adoption of 17 recommendations intended to reinforce Routine Immunization, eradicate polio and advance successes in accelerated disease control initiatives.
Chairman of TFI, Professor Peter Ndumbe told the participants at the end of the three day meeting, that the region had reported impressive achievements in the reduction of measles deaths amongst children, Niger had been removed from the list of polio endemic countries while Nigeria had reiterated its commitment to improving its immunization activities by presenting a four year strategic work plan.
The 17 recommendations guiding AFRO’s 2006 immunisation activities focus on comprehensive multi year plans, financial commitment, integration, National Regulatory Authorities strengthening and vaccine regulation, Routine Immunisation and the Reach Every District Approach, Injection Safety, Nigeria, Communication, Polio eradication, Accelerated Disease Control and New Vaccines.
The task force passed a recommendation for African countries to commit national resources in immunisation activities in addition to the support provided by partners. To ensure the quality of vaccines used in the national immunisation programmes, countries were urged to support the implementation of the African Vaccine Regulatory Forum.
TFI expressed renewed hope for Nigeria’s immunisation activities, following the address by Dr Edugie Abebe Interim Chief Executive of Nigeria Expanded Programme on Immunisation on the country’s 2006-2010 EPI strategic priorities and work plans. In response WHO, UNICEF and other partners were called upon to provide Nigeria with the needed technical, financial and material support.
In view of the polio eradication target of December 2006, TFI recommended that a post polio report addressing the utilization of surveillance infrastructure and the existing human resources, choice of other diseases for accelerated disease control or elimination be prepared for discussion during the next TFI meeting.
The task force also proposed that the Reaching Every District Approach be expanded to every district in all countries, as it had been proven effective.
Speaking at the same occasion, the Regional Director of WHO Africa Region Dr Luis Gomes Sambo encouraged partners to continue supporting routine immunisation activities including new vaccine introduction and improve accelerated disease control initiatives
“While we are grateful for resources already being provided to support immunization, we realize that more resources are required to achieve our targets with regard to strengthening routine immunization, accelerated disease control and introduction of new vaccines and technologies,” Dr Sambo said.
Dr Sambo congratulated the 12 members TFI for providing guidance in reviewing progress made in the regional immunisation activities, identifying gaps therein and making necessary recommendations for the coming year. He also reaffirmed WHO’s ommitment to reinforcing existing partnership and building new ones.
The TFI established by the WHO/AFRO Regional Director in 1993 as a response to the region’s need to revitalize the immunisation programmes has held annual meetings that have successfully guided Africa’s childhood vaccination activities.
For more information contact:
Technical contact
Dr Deo Nshimirimana
Regional Advisor Vaccine Preventable Diseases
Tel. in Harare: 263 4 746000
Tel. Domicile : + 41 794755470
Email: nshimirimanad [at] afro.who.int (nshimirimanad[at]afro[dot]who[dot]int)
Media contact
Zora Machekanyanga/Flavienne Issembe Information Officer
Tel. in Harare: +263 4 746000
Tel. in Brazzaville: +47 241 39382 +47 241 39352
Email: machekanyangaz [at] afro.who.int (machekanyangaz[at]afro[dot]who[dot]int)
Email: issembef [at] afro.who.int (issembef[at]afro[dot]who[dot]int)