African Vaccination Week Proves its Worth

African Vaccination Week Proves its Worth

Brazzaville,  April  2014 -- If any doubts ever existed about the wisdom or benefits of instituting the African Vaccination Week (AVW), the celebration of the 3rd AVW in the Region in 2013 very eloquently cleared the air.

Statistics at the WHO Regional Office for Africa (WHO/AFRO) on the observance of the 3rd AVW tell the story.

During AVW 2013, more than 44 million doses of vaccines of all antigens were administered to several million infants, children, adolescents and adults in 43 countries in the Region.  

But, as the saying goes, the devil is in the details. AVW 2013 saw more than 36.7 million doses of oral polio vaccine administered to children under five years of age in 10 countries.   In 13 others, 31.5 million tablets of Vitamin A were distributed to children.   In addition,  6.3 million children were screened for malnutrition and 3.8 million wash kits were distributed in 3 countries.  For “catch-up”  vaccination activities 7.5 million doses of vaccines of all antigens were administered to people in 16 countries.

“By all standards, this is a record”,  says WHO Regional Director for Africa, Dr Luis Sambo.

“At no time in the history of WHO in Africa have so many people been reached with so many doses of vaccines during a periodic intensification of immunization activities”.

Dr Sambo also explains the significance of the theme --“Vaccination - a shared responsibility” -- which has been chosen for celebrating  this year’s AVW during the week of 22 to 27 April.

He explains: ”The theme is a simple and clear reminder that vaccination is a joint responsibility of governments,  parents, immunization programmes, health care workers, public health officials, families and communities. Everybody has a role to play.  We must break  down all barriers and form an alliance of partners to deliver life-saving vaccines to all those who need them.”

Since its inception   in 2011, AVW has flourished and grown and resulted in improved access especially to hard-to-reach communities. During the first two editions of the Week, focus was  mainly on vaccination against polio and around 150 million people received oral polio vaccines. Also, vaccination was combined with other high-impact interventions during the three previous AVW editions.  This year, all 47 countries in the Region are expected to  celebrate the week during which millions of children, adolescents, mothers and adults will be reached with various life-saving interventions.  

In 2014, for the second year running, AVW will dovetail neatly into the World Immunization Week (WIW),  to be celebrated from 24 to 30 April,  under the theme “Are you up-to-date ?”. WIW serves as an over-arching framework to unite all global efforts in a week of vaccination campaigns, public education and information sharing and advocacy on immunization.

Goal of AVW

The overarching goal of AVW is to strengthen immunization programmes in the Region by drawing attention to, and increasing awareness of the importance, the need and the right of all persons to be protected against vaccine-preventable diseases

The initiative strengthens the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI)  by emphasizing activities that “reach the unreached”: populations in rural and/or border areas, low coverage municipalities and urban fringes with limited access  to regular immunization services.

Benefits of  Immunization

Modern medical literature is replete with the benefits of vaccination, and why it should be a top priority for everybody.

Among these are that immunization prevents infections; saves lives; mitigates the severity or complications of diseases;   provides protection for unvaccinated populations; contributes to global efforts to eradicate and eliminate diseases, and extends  life expectancy. In addition to being safe, immunization also promotes women empowerment (as women may opt for fewer children, knowing that children born will reach adulthood).

Put briefly, vaccines are among the 21st century’s most successful, most cost-effective,  high-impact  and most long-lasting and equitable public health tools for preventing, disease, disability and death.

Recent history (as shown in Liberia,  the Democratic Republic of Congo and elsewhere) has also demonstrated the power of vaccination efforts in promoting peace through vaccine-mediated ceasefires  -- the so-called “days of tranquillity” -- during conflicts.

Consequences of refusing  or wilfully interrupting vaccination

Complacency about immunization or rejection of immunization can lead to gaps in vaccination coverage. These, in turn, lead to outbreaks.

For example, in 2000,  rejection of vaccination on religious grounds by a Member State led to the resurgence of polio in that country  and  the exportation of  wild polio virus to a number of hitherto polio-free neighbours.


“With the results so far achieved, AVW has successfully argued the case for its establishment and continued celebration in the African Region”, says Dr Deo NSHIMIRIMANA, Director of the Immunization, Vaccines and Emergency Cluster at WHO/AFRO.

 “Considering the high rates of  child and maternal deaths in Africa,  in  countries the Region  will do well to introduce and intensify  the implementation of additional strategies to protect  children and  women during AVW 2014 and beyond.”

He lists examples of such complementary interventions as  including case management of childhood illness; screening for malnutrition and growth monitoring; hand washing demonstrations and soap and chlorine distribution, malaria prevention; provision of oral dehydration salts; identification of HIV-exposed infants and adolescents, HIV prevention and testing, and administration of HPV vaccine to adolescent girls.  


For more information, please contact:

Dr Richard Mihigo: mihigor [at] (mihigor[at]who[dot]int); tel: +47-241-39926

Samuel T. Ajibola: ajibolas [at] (ajibolas[at]afro[dot]who[dot]int)  tel: +47-241-39378