WHO Zambia conducts a workshop for Senior Ministry of Health staff on Understanding WHO Business Rules

WHO Zambia conducts a workshop for Senior Ministry of Health staff on Understanding WHO Business Rules

Lusaka, 14 November 2016 - In order to improve the understanding of  WHO Business Rules by senior management, finance and technical staff of the Ministry of Health, the WHO Country Office (WCO) organized a training workshop for five of the provinces in Zambia namely Central, Southern, Lusaka, Western and Eastern provinces from 26 October to 4th November 2016 in Siavonga. The second phase of the training which will cover the five remaining provinces namely Northern, North-Western, Copperbelt, Muchinga and Luapula provinces will be conducted at the end of November 2016.

The main aim of the workshop was to promote and enhance efforts to reduce non-compliance to WHO policies, rules, processes and reporting procedures on the part of the Ministry at all levels by equipping the senior staff responsible for approving, handling, implementing and reporting with relevant knowledge on Direct Financial Cooperation (DFC) and other relevant WHO services.  The workshop availed an opportunity to the WCO to get feedback from the Ministry of Health staff at different levels on how DFCs are being administered, challenges being faced and lessons learnt. The feedback is important as it will be used to improve future interventions. 

The participants included managerial staff particularly Provincial Medical Officers, District Medical Officers and staff who handle finances such as Chief Accountants, Provincial Accountants and District Accountants, Provincial planners and District planners. 

Other than the DFC orientation, the workshop covered other related WHO business rules and standard operating procedures for other areas including procurement of goods and services, Technical Service Agreements (TSA), Consultancy, Agreement of Performance of Work (APW), and travel management. This development is timely as it is in line with the Transformation Agenda of the WHO African Region which is focusing on WHO to be a more efficient, effective, responsive and accountable organization.

The training was facilitated by WHO staff as follows: - National Professional Officer, Managerial Processes, Solomon Kagulula, Operations Officer, Mbaulo Musumali, Program Budget and Finance Assistant, Anne Sikazwe, and Procurement and Travel Assistant, Mutembo Siboonde.


For More Information contact:

Mr. Mbaulo Musumali
Operations Officer
+260 211 255322    musumalim [at] who.int (musumalim[at]who[dot]int)

Nora Mweemba, Health Promotion Officer
WHO Country Office in Zambia 
+260 211 255322     mweemban [at] who.int (mweemban[at]who[dot]int)


01 Participants from Provincial medical Offices comprising Provincial Medical Officers, Planners and Accountants.

02 Participants from various districts which included District Medical Officers, Planners and Accountants.

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