Septuagésima segunda sessão do Comité Regional da OMS para a África

A septuagésima segunda sessão do Comité Regional da OMS para a África será realizada em formato híbrido em Lomé, no Togo, de 22 a 26 de Agosto, em conformidade com os procedimentos especiais para a realização da sessão do Comité Regional para a África em formato híbrido.

Guia do participante
Documentos técnicos
Ordem do dia e programa de trabalho

Written Statements by Observers

Agenda item 7 |  Framework for the control elimination and eradication of tropical and vector-borne diseases in the African Region
Agenda item 10 | Framework for the integrated control, elimination and eradication of Tropical and Vector-borne diseases in the African region 2022-2030
Agenda item 12 | Intergovernmental Negotiating Body: update and consultation on the Working Draft
Agenda item 14 | Seventh Progress Report on the implementation of the Transformation Agenda of the World Health Organization Secretariat in the African Region
Agenda item 17.1 | Progress report on the Regional oral health strategy 2016–2025: addressing oral diseases as part of noncommunicable diseases
Agenda item 17.2 | Global Strategy on human resources for health
Agenda item 17.3 | Progress report on research for health: a strategy for the African Region.
Agenda item 17.6 | ISDR Integrated Strategy 2030

Written Statements by Member States

Agenda item 7 |  Framework for the control elimination and eradication of tropical and vector-borne diseases in the African Region
Agenda item 9 |  Intergovernmental Negotiating Body update and consultation on the Working Draft
Agenda item 11 | Seventh progress report on the implementation of the Transformation Agenda of the WHO Secretariat in the African Region
Agenda item 13 | Programme budget 20242025 and Extending the Thirteenth General Programme of Work 2019-2023 to 2025
Agenda item 17.1 | Progress report on the Regional oral health strategy 2016–2025: addressing oral diseases as part of noncommunicable diseases
Agenda item 17.4 | Progress report on the Global strategy to accelerate tobacco control 2019–2025: implementation in the African Region


News releases

A União Africana e a OMS apelam à implementação rápida de medidas contra a tuberculose infantil

Ministros da saúde africanos lançam um movimento para travar o impacto da drepanocitose

Iniciou o principal Fórum Africano de Saúde para enfrentar os maiores desafios da actualidade

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